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Collaborate, Empower & Grow!

It is critical for all educators to continually reflect upon their practice and improve their skills. Professional development encourages educators to enhance student learning and to personally grow as teachers, leaders, and learners.  Most recently my colleagues and I launched the "PD in your PJs" virtual professional development series and the Restart effort to address the needs of our teachers and students in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. I have also created and facilitated a wide variety of PD sessions as part of PLC days, Master Teacher Innovation Labs, and Novice/Mentor Teacher Partnerships.   I have consulted professionally at other schools, as well as presented at community events and for national organizations.  Some of my presentations and workshops are highlighted below.



Learn more about balanced literacy instruction. Mindful of the importance of reading, writing, assessment, listening, and speaking, I can help you and your staff develop a stronger understanding of each component and build them into your daily literacy block. 

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